This is the first time I have posted about Hunter's life changing football injury on 9/22/11. Our world has been spinning pretty fast these last few months and I would have to say there have been more days I didn't know if I was coming or going, than not. I have blogged about our dream of adoption many times, and am sure some find it sounding like a broken record, so if your one of them sorry! However I talk from my heart on this blog so get over it. I began teaching nursing clinicals this past semester for 2 reasons (both dear to my heart); I love teaching nursing students, and I am using the extra income to help bring our sweet daughter home from China. However, the issue of time management is always a factor at the Merrick household, and I take full responsibility for that. I am stretched in many areas, and I have been told "my plate is way to full" by many. I think I handle the chaos in my life very well, and I try not to complain because it is my CHAOS. On September 22, our oldest son Hunter was playing in a high school football game when he sustained an injury that changed everything. Hunter fractured his neck at C5 and had a severe concussion. Hunter was in the Neuro ICU over night and after a MRI diagnosed him with a stable fracture was discharged home. Although Hunter's football career is over I praise God that it turned out the way it did, and that he didn't have to have surgery and will recover fully in time. Brian and I are so thankful for God's blessings in our life!!! I thought a lot that night while I watched him sleep; mostly about how our life could have changed in a split second. After something bad happens in life it's natural to place blame. I found myself asking; Do I take on to much? Why did I let him play in the first place? No one is to blame for Hunter's injury, it was just an accident. We will survive this and much more in this life, and every experience teaches me something new. I learned how many people love and care for our son. I learned that we have friends and family that would do anything for us, and mostly that the God that's over the mountains, is the God that's in the valleys!!! I will continue to work hard to bring our little girl home, and my plate may be full but it's really a plate for two (me and God). Thankful for Hunter!