Halloween has come and gone and now we are just 3 weeks from Thanksgiving, so hard to believe. This month was full of football, school activities, soccer, cheer leading, and family pumpkin parties. Brian has begun his new job as a nurse practitioner here in town and he is slowly getting settled into his new role. I am...well....still in school!!! That's all I have to say about that for right now (I'm simply tired).
We traveled to Gatlinburg this year for our annual Tuttle family trip. I was glad we went during fall break this year, I took the kids down by myself on Wednesday and came back on Friday to watch Hunter's football game (which aired on ESPN-U). So proud of our team!!! The game was wet to say the least, I've been drier getting out of the shower then I was during that game, but oh was it worth it! After the game Brian, Hunter and I headed back down to TN to finish the rest of the weekend with our family. Did a little bit of shopping, and just spent time with the ones I love the most.
Harrison played fall soccer and was on the team Fire this year, he has improved so much. Harrison is so fast!
Brian took the kids to Bearwallow farm this year with his mom and dad and their church, I worked but he did get a few pics of the kids for me.
We closed the month out with our Brumley family pumpkin carving contest, Hunter walked away this year with the winning pumpkin.
Most everyone was able to be there, and we had a really good time. Hadley just loved carving a pumpkin, well maybe I should say she loved getting the seeds out of the pumpkin.

We close out this month with the beginning of cheer competition, Hagan is starting with his basketball season, Harrison is in boy scouts and band, Hunter's football playoffs are in motion, and Haven's dance season. We just keep on keeping on, and that's all we can do for now. I did manage to get the Halloween decoration down and put away, and we drug out the Thanksgiving stuff last evening. Brian laughed and asked my why I was getting it out with just 3 weeks left until Thanksgiving? I just said "you know me, I'm never satisfied" if I don't put it out I would be sad, and sometimes you just have to do things that are aggravating and a pain in the you know what. We want our kids to know that there are just some things you do, and that's life. Plus it's nice looking at all the Thanksgiving decorations, it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. The next big question is whether or not we get all the Thanksgiving decoration down on Black Friday, so the Christmas decorations can go up. Traditionally we only celebrate one holiday at a time, and all though it would be a lot easier to decorate for Christmas along side Thanksgiving, it's just that.... easier. We don't want easy, we want CRAZY in this house!!!