"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Lake Fun

This year the boat is out of storage, thanks to both Brian and I completing graduate school!!!! Lots of time to make up with the family for making them have such a boring and long summer last year.
 Brian is so happy to get out on the water, but not as happy as these little ones

Love my Big Crazy Family

The Graduate

Our oldest graduated this year, and it has been a great experience to go through with him. I am learning to deal with him closing one chapter in his life and starting another, it has been hard though! Hunter has made us such proud parents, and he has set a great example for many who know him. He has such a great work ethic and he is dedicated to whatever he pursues.

 Hunter had many accomplishments this year and I'm gonna list them (because that's what proud momma's do right?)
School activities: Football, Baseball, DECA, FCA
Church activities: Food drive for the homeless at ESBC
Honors & Awards: All State honorable mention baseball, First team All State in Football, All county and All district in  Football, State champions Football 2014, Work Ethic Seal, First and Farmers Hall of Fame Fall Athletics,  Graduated with overall GPA above 3.5, scholarship offers from University of the Cumberland's, Pikeville, Lindsey Wilson, and Union Colleges. Graduated with both college and career ready seal.

There was so much I wanted to tell him so I thought it best to write him a letter;

                Where has the time gone? It seems like I blinked my eyes and in an instant you went from a brown curly haired baby boy to a full grown man! I know that’s a cliche that kids hear their parents say all the time, but it’s the truth…  It’s hard to put into words the love a parent has for their child, and even if I gave it my best shot it still wouldn’t be sufficient. Over my years, it has occurred to me that maybe that’s the way God intended it to be. Love is felt not seen, it is the most powerful emotion on earth, and it is a gift from God!!! You are one of the most treasured gifts God has ever given me. You are an amazing young man, and although you are not perfect, you are my kind of perfect…. I look at you and I am happy! You make so many people laugh, and that is a great quality to have (a quality you get from me and my dad). You are smart and kind and those are great qualities to have too. You are determined to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself, and I have watched in amazement as you have pushed yourself to new limits this year with an exceptional work ethic (you still need to work on hearing an alarm clock though). I am proud that you have made so many friends, and my hope is that wherever life takes you, you keep in touch with those guys. Good friends are hard to come by. You are humble, and that my son you get from the example your dad has set. Please don’t ever loose that, remember you are only as tall as the shoulders you stand on. You are a talented outdoors man, a gift you get from your pa Rick. He has taught you so many things about hunting and fishing cherish those memories for a lifetime! You are competitive, and I know without a doubt you get from the Brumley’s (more specifically your aunts and uncles, especially from Greg). I could spend all day listing all of your qualities, but I won’t I will move on.
                For a year now everyone has heard me complaining about the fact you will be leaving home, and just saying those words out loud has given me heart palpitations. The reality is you are going to leave home, and although I want you to stay you need to go. Before you do that I want to tell you that your family will always be you home…. So never feel like you can’t come back here (actually, I expect you to be here every Sunday). When you leave part of us will go with you, so whenever you feel alone remember Momma is right here. Make good decisions. Be wiser than your years, and for the most part wiser than your peers. Be a good steward of the gifts and talents that God has given you. Work hard, and when you’re tired work harder. Go to bed early, call your parents often, laugh every day, make good choices, be a leader not a follower. Start everyday with prayer, trust me it makes a difference. Smile every day, even when you don’t want to. Never back up from what is right, and work hard to get where you want to go (remember the saying from finding Nemo “just keep swimming”). Be an example for people to see, you never know who is watching. Always be kind, you never know when you might be helping an angel.
                Now when you start college you will be challenged, there will be days you sit in class and want to quit (just ask your granny, she wanted to quit school every day while taking statistics). But don’t, push on. Raise your hand and scream “I’m lost”! You will succeed, and I know you will because you’re my son. Have fun, but remember why you are there. Don’t let college life get in the way of the rest of your life, remember if you lay down with dogs you’ll come up with fleas. When it comes to drugs and alcohol remember you are a tobacco free campus, and you are not 21 until 2017. The key to your life, is you Hunter, God has plans for you but you have to trust him and even harder than trusting him is trusting in his time. Remember to be still and listen, sometimes only then can you hear him.
I’ll close in saying this; I can’t wait to watch what you are going to do with your life. Much of which will come about in the four years you’re gone away to college. There will not be a day that I don’t hit my knees lifting you up in prayer!!!! I have and will always be one of your biggest fans!!! If you take nothing else away from this letter, know that I LOVE YOU and you will always be my baby boy!!!!
                                                                                                One proud Momma"


Month of May
Baseball season

between the Harrison, Hagan, and Haven we played 36 games in 6 weeks, so glad it's over!
Brian celebrated another birthday

We sure do love this man!!!