"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

School, College, and Birthdays

Hadley-first day preschool (year 2) at Memorial Education Center. Teachers (Ms. Amy, Ms. Linda, Ms. Darlena, Ms. Gloria, with afternoon class with Ms. Jessica, Ms.Renee, and Ms. Maria). favorite activity- Dance class on Wednesday with Ms.Taylor at Pep & Pizzazz.

Haven-first day second grade at Northern Elementary School. Teacher (Ms. Ingram). Favorite activities- Dance with Ms. Britni, Splash competitive cheer, gymnastics with Ms. Gover at Pep&Pizzazz.

Hagan- first day fourth grade at NES. Teachers (Ms.Debord & Ms. Vanhook). Favorite activities- football, cubscouts, baseball, and basketball.

Harrison- first day seventh grade at NMS. Teachers (too many to list). Favorite activities- football, baseball, Beta club with a new interest in diving lessions.

Hunter- took this big baby of mine to University of the Cumberlands' for his freshman year. Classes- Sociology, College Algebra, World Civilization, Intro to Criminal Justice, English, Insight. Favorite Activity- Football (however he is redshirted due to his shoulder injury) hunting.

 Harrison's 12th birthday, man has time flown by! He wanted a Kayak. So that's what we got him....

He loved it!