I was having a normal morning yesterday, sitting on the couch just watching tv as a sipped my morning coffee when out of no where it turned into a nightmare. As I was watching my morning news Haven came running into the living room and before I knew what happened I was hit upside the head and face with something warm, wet and stinky. before I could identify the object it fell off my face and landed right in the middle of my chest on my beautiful PJs. As soon as I saw it I screamed a horrible plea for Hagan to run and get my a paper towel. Haven yelled " Lucy pooped in my room!". Lucy is our dog in case you didn't know. Yes it's true, my daughter threw a giant dog turd at me. After I got it cleaned off, I called her daddy and he just thought that was the funniest thing ever. I, on the other hand, did NOT. If that dog turd had gone in my mouth I would have died of a massive heart attack right then and there. I am so lucky, and from now on I am going to sip my coffee in a giant plastic bag.
"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A Full Day!!!
A day at the Merrick's house is always a full day. On the days I don't work I wake to the sound of an alarm clock, not just the typical sound of a loud buzz, this sound is unique to our house only. This alarm clock never has to be set, it just magically goes off when ever it wants too, which most of the time is around 7:00. I don't lay in bed all night worrying if it won't wake me up on time, or if it will shut off if the electric goes out. The noise it makes is not one you could sleep through, unless you are deaf of course, it screams "Mommy!! Hey Mommy, I'm up" then it screams " Hey Mommy, come get me out of my bed!!" After getting her out of her bed I make breakfast, by the time it's finished another little person emerges to join her for breakfast. Hagan usually meets me with his thumb in his mouth, and his red hair sticking up. "Morning Mommy, are you off today?" When they are done eating and I've just about got their mess cleaned up, a third little person appears in a dash to the bathroom, he says "Morning Mom, you going to be here all day?" Then I feed him and finish cleaning the kitchen. I forgot to mention that I usually have completed some laundry, made Tea, let the dog out, made my bed, and had my first cup of coffee by this time. I don't have to make breakfast for the teenager cause he doesn't get up until lunch. Now by lunch I have managed to finish several loads of laundry, changed diapers, cleaned up messes, and broken up several fights. I have had 1 if not 3 little people in the time out chair, more than once I'm sure. Lunch is served, and by then the teen has made it out of his bed and to the kitchen. Clean up is done, and yes the washer and dryer are still going strong. Then it's nap time for the Princess and I manage to jump in the shower for 3 min. After I get ready I check the mail, and sit down for a few minutes. After the baby wakes up, it's snack time and then I usually have to take 1 if not more to a sport function, or something else. Get home fix supper, clean up the mess, start baths, everyone gets a vitamin, brush 3 sets of teeth, read a story, tuck them in and then I say "Hi, love you but I got to go to bed" to my wonderful husband, and then I'm in a coma. The funniest thing is that it seems like just a few minutes go bye before that alarm clock goes off again.
Now on the days I go to work I hear a normal alarm clock at 4:00 am and I spend 12 hours at work caring for others too. I love being a nurse, and I love my patients, and sometimes I love their family members. I work 3 days a week and I am going to school too. Don't take this blog as a huge complaining letter about my life. I said my days are full. Full of life and sometimes death, full of joy and pain, laughter and tears. Full of people that I love and care about. No it's not always what I think it should be but it is always a blessing in someway. I wouldn't change any of it cause it's my life, I learn from every experience I have whether it's cleaning the kitchen, or cleaning up poop. Putting a little person in the naughty chair or showing a family where their love one is. I hope I have many more days that are just as Full as the ones I have already had.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Short little trip
In my last post I told you that we took the kids on an over night trip to Cincinnati. We visited the Zoo, and planned to go to Kings Island, due to the weather we ended up going to the aquarium instead. The little kids seemed to have fun, but I think Hunter and Jordan may have been a little bored. We are planning on going back to Kings Island in the next couple of weeks.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
This Old House

Most of you who read my blog already know about my mother's life history, if you don't then you might not understand why this house is so special. This week we went to Cincinnati Zoo and then to the Aquarium, on our way home Mom showed us the house she lived in when she was young. This house is now in the Historic district so
I know it will never be torn down. My mother lived in Covington with her mother until her mother passed away. My mom was only 12 when that happened and then she went to live with her cousin, who was several years older then my mother. My mom actually called her Aunt "Jenny" for several years before she called her "Momma". That's who I'm named after. My mother doesn't have that many things from her childhood, so I cherish every little memory I can get from my Mom's past.

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Remembering Gabby
Today would have been Gabby's 1st birthday, but she is to busy celebrating in Heaven with our wonderful King, and his angels. For those who don't know Gabby's story, she was our niece. Born with a very special heart, that unfortunately couldn't be fixed here on earth. We only had her with us for a short time but the lessons we've learned from her will be with us forever. Gabby has taught me that life is to short to worry about the little things, to enjoy life to it's fullest, to love others with all our hearts, and never take anyone for granted. Happy Birthday Gabby, we miss you and love you very much!
Baby Hudson's Shower
We had a baby shower for Nicki (a sweet young lady I work with) at Cathy's house this Saturday. I was so glad these girls could attend. Nicki is having a little boy who's name will be Hudson, in August and she is going to make the best Mom. Enjoy every moment with him, time sure does fly bye fast with little ones.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
July Girls Birthday Party!!!
Happy birthday Mom(53), Mylan(7), and Taylor(15). These lovely ladies all have birthdays this month, and we celebrated with a birthday dinner. We had Momma's special chicken, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, corn, and dinner salad. This was the first birthday dinner in which our wonderful mother didn't cook. Alison and I cooked dinner this time with mom sitting down and relaxing(she watched every move we made), and we cleaned up without her help too. I know it was hard for her to do, but she needs to let us do things for her sometimes. Girls I hope you had a wonderful birthday.
Monday, July 5, 2010
July 4th !!!
This year instead of going to the Legends baseball game we decided to have a cook-out at Larry and Lynn's. I think it was a great idea, and everyone seemed to have a good time. I want to say a BIG thanks to all the past, present, and future service men and women who have sacrificed so much in order for us to all enjoy our independence day safe and sound.( Justin we miss and love you so much!)
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