"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just trying to enjoy my morning coffee!!!!

I was having a normal morning yesterday, sitting on the couch just watching tv as a sipped my morning coffee when out of no where it turned into a nightmare. As I was watching my morning news Haven came running into the living room and before I knew what happened I was hit upside the head and face with something warm, wet and stinky. before I could identify the object it fell off my face and landed right in the middle of my chest on my beautiful PJs. As soon as I saw it I screamed a horrible plea for Hagan to run and get my a paper towel. Haven yelled " Lucy pooped in my room!". Lucy is our dog in case you didn't know. Yes it's true, my daughter threw a giant dog turd at me. After I got it cleaned off, I called her daddy and he just thought that was the funniest thing ever. I, on the other hand, did NOT. If that dog turd had gone in my mouth I would have died of a massive heart attack right then and there. I am so lucky, and from now on I am going to sip my coffee in a giant plastic bag.

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