"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What a Wonderful Man!

I have a wonderful Dad, a dad that has always been there for me through thick and then. My dad has taught me so many important things in life. How to be a hard worker, how to be a good friend, how to live and laugh, how to always pick yourself up when you fall down, and to help others up when they fall down, and most important how to love with all your heart. So finding a man to live up to my dad seemed impossible. But, I also have this other dad who always knows exactly what I need. My Heavenly Father!!! He not only provides me with comfort, unconditional love, wisdom, but mostly Grace. So when Brian and I started dating I knew very quickly that he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. So I have been blessed to have 3 Father's in my life that have all made my life a blessed and happy one. Brian is so not an ordinary father to our beautiful children. He does things no other man, or father for that matter, would. He helps around the house, he does laundry, he goes to the grocery store, he cooks almost every night, he gives the kids baths, runs them to most all the sport functions, he helps with homework, he takes them to church every Sunday by himself. Brian loves them, and it shows in his actions not just his words. Brian is so loving and kind, and a great man of God. I am so thankful for all my blessings, and he is definitely one of them.

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