"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Oh Baby it's cold outside!!!

Haven's winter recital 2014 was another success!!! Haven is a natural when it comes to drama, and sass!!! Both of those traits give her an advantage in dance....
This year she started dancing with a new group of girls, this happened do to a schedule change and has turned out to be a great experience for her. She performed twice during this show both routines one great
Her second performance was her gymnastics routine.......

Can't wait until her next recital this June.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Flicker.... The Elf

His name is Flicker..... and he is from the North Pole. He belongs to the Merrick children and he can be very active.
Night 1
 wrote "I'm back" in Chocolate chips
Night 2 Drove himself around the house in Haven's strawberry shortcake car
Night 3 Decorated the Christmas tree with candy canes, then hung from a candy cane ladder off the ceiling fan.

Night 4 made a banner that said "2 more weeks until Christmas"
Night 5 had to make a potty break, and then left the kids chocolate kisses
Night 6  went Ice fishing

Night 7
Flicker didn't go to the North pole, he was too tired

to be continued.............

decking the Halls 2014

This year we have the biggest Christmas tree we've ever had. I take full responsibility.... Brian just held it out and I said "yes that's the one" we loaded it up and when we got home and put it up I realized that it was as wide as it was tall.

But I think it turn out just beautiful!!!
We managed to get every one's tree up in their rooms, and we did it all in one day....One very long day I may add....
We even put two trees up in the girls room. The boys didn't mind that the extra little tree ended up in the girls room, it was small and white, and fit just perfect in front of the window.

and even my (wonderful) sister Crystal and my (wonderful) brother Jordan came over and decorated my beautiful staircase while we we're gone out of town. A BIG THANKS TO THEM BOTH!!!
and the best thing is Hadley loved decorating the tree this year
more to come.....