"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

They don't have a Clue!

 Family game night this month, I introduced the kids to one of my favorite boardgames...Clue. None of them knew how to play. What is this world coming too?

After a few rounds they started catching on

Hunter was tore up knowing that I was probably going to beat him...... It's hard to get beat by a girl, especially when it's your mom...... I don't hold nothing back when I'm in a competition, not even when it's with my kids....

Nobody won..... It was Mrs.Plum, with the wrench, in the dining room....... Oh well I'll get them next time!

Character Day at School

Today was character day at school, and I'm ashamed to say this is the only year our kids have participated in this event. In the past they either didn't want to dress up, or we didn't know about it until the night before, or it was something else preventing us from getting the lead out and coming up with a costume...... It's always something!!!!!
Haven was Doc McStuffin
 Hagan was a minion in the book Despicable Me 2
and Harrison, well he wasn't into dressing up this year. You know 5th graders are too cool to do that!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Love Day!!!

As always we gave our sweethearts small gifts on Valentine's day. Not anything big, just a little something to tell them just how much we love them.

then I grabbed a quick pic of the kids' valentine's day box.......

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Oh my at the laundry....

If you know me at all, you have at one time or another heard me complain about our laundry. It's a monster. Yes, I know I have a big family. But this laundry is a beast!!!! I started doing laundry for my mom when I was in the fourth grade. Without telling you my age, you must know that is a long time. Back then my parents had 5 children, and I continued to do the laundry until I married Brian and moved out, which at that time there were 8 of us. So I can do some serious laundry people!
This is what I want our new laundry room to look like......
 Isn't it Beautifully, Marvelous and wonderful???? 

Back to reality, with five kids this is what our new laundry room should look like........
Now really back to reality
This is what we have to work with........

Oh well it is what it is...... At least I have 5 beautiful and healthy children to do laundry for!!!!

Harrison, my little engineer

Harrison is quite a little engineer. He loves putting legos together, and can put big figures together in just a few minutes time. And most of the time without evening reading the directions. So this past Christmas Santa thought maybe he was reading to start putting together model airplanes.
Harrison wasn't intimidated in the least bit, he worked patiently

Well Santa was right, and Harrison had no problem putting his first one together all by himself.
 Maybe one day he will make a living using this skill.


Haven's cheer team "Splash" is in full swing. Each weekend we head to a competition, and I really enjoy watching them preform. They get better and better each time.

Superbowl Party 2014

As always we celebrated Superbowl together as a family at my parents house. Glad that everyone was able to come, food was great.

Then before the game begins we choose our team for the evening and pose for a photo, this way we have proof of who is which team. The majority of us picked the Denver Broncos
The Seattle Seahawks, well lets just say very few wanted to be on this side.......

Side note (I was clearly on the wrong side)!
Then we watched, ate,and laughed our way through the game