"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Vacation time...

                            Today we are heading to Tampa to get on the Carnival ship "Paradise" heading for a fun filled week in Cozumel Mexico, Grand Cayman, and Cayman Islands. This is Hadley's first time seeing the ocean, let alone cruise around the Caribbean. All the kids are super excited, and Brian and I are pretty excited too. We work hard, and we really are blessed to be able to travel with our family on vacation every year.
I started packing on Thursday night and didn't finish until this morning. Nothing makes me more happy then seeing all 7 suitcases outside lined up in the hall. This trip we have a great adventure planned for the kids to swim with dolphins!!! Can't wait to watch them.
I don't know why I get to live such a great, and adventured filled life with amazing children, and one great and amazing husband! I am truly blessed beyond what I deserve. We are joined on this cruise by my parents and two of my baby brothers. Many memories to make for a lifetime.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

You better Shop around!

This summer's dance recital's theme was Motown, and how fun it was to watch these kids dance to some great songs. Haven is so full of sass and drama! They danced to "Momma said you better shop around" and they all played the part.

Great job girls.....

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Ending the School year 2013-14

The last day of school is just.....well how should I put it????? Awful!!!!!! Everyone that knows me Knows I am a firm believer that kids should never, ever get out of school........ (sorry, teachers just being honest here).
I just think my kids do better while they're in school. Structure works for them needless to say. But all good things must come to an end, right?
First up Harrison is now a 6th grader.....

                                                           Harrison and Mrs.Henderlight
                                                              Proud Mom & Dad
                                                             Granny Halla & Grandpa Denny
                                                                Last day as a 5th grader
Harrison had a good year, he did struggle with his grades though. Harrison is a smart boy, however he is easily distracted, and he doesn't always apply himself. He is a young 5th grader only 10, and Brian and I dabbled with the issue of holding him back in school due to his late birthday, however he has managed to make good grades when he tries, so I am certain he can do the work handed to him. Anxious to see what next year will hold for him. Right now he is interested in band, and engineering. I think the more involved he is in school and activities the better off he will be in the long run. Harrison we are so proud of the young boy you are!
Next the crazy red head, Hagan.....

                                                            Hagan and Mrs. Ford
                                                     Hagan's two besties
                                                          Award for almost perfect attendance
                                                               Last day as a 2nd grader
Hagan has done a great job this year as well, however the beginning was a challenge with his behavior. Poor Mrs. Ford had one very hyperactive class to say the least.... Hagan is a silly boy, he only needs to work on the appropriate time to be a cut up, and when it's not the appropriate time to be a cut up. He got an award for most improvement in reading. I wonder why our boys don't like to read? (Brian and I both rather staple our heads to the carpet then to read). Hagan also gets to go to church camp this year all by himself for the first time, he is very excited about that!
Next up Ms. Priss, Haven....
                                                Haven and Mrs. Scruggs

                                                              last day as a Kindergartner
Haven also had trouble with her behavior throughout the year. I'm so thankful that Ms.Scruggs didn't have her arrested for stealing, that seemed to be her theme for the year. How much stuff can I steal a day? Haven is a good girl most of the time, however she can be a very difficult girl other times. Doesn't mean we don't love her, just means she can be difficult. She is smart, and funny! I hope next year we see an improvement with her behavior. Haven will be going to cheer camp this summer, and she will have her 4th dance recital in June (that is if she's not arrested for bad behavior).
Next up.... Hadley
Hadley has done so good in school. Starting only in January she has made strides all her own. Matching shapes, and learning ASL. Meeting new friends and teachers along the way too. We are so happy at what her school has done for her so far. They have loved her from the beginning! Check out our Hadley Caroline blog spot for updates on our girl.www.ourhadleycaroline.blogspot.com.
Last but not least Hunter.... my oh my where has the time gone? Our oldest is a senior in high school. makes me so sad, and proud at the same time.
Hunter is an exceptional athlete and I am so proud of his accomplishments on and off the field. He made all county football player, they place second in the state last fall in football. He made all A's for the majority of the year (minus 1 or 2 B's). He played baseball, and was recognized by the city of Somerset for his behavior and accomplishments as a student, earning a special seal on his diploma. He also received class awards although I still don't know what all for. Again I am one proud Momma. Hunter loves God, and is growing in his relationship with Christ each day. We have high expectations of him, and Hunter has a bright future in whatever he decides to do.

Happy Birthday Brian!

Happy Birthday to the best husband and father in the world...... Brian turned another year older, and with the year he became a father to 5 not 4 children, he traveled thousands of miles to the other side of the world to bring our sweet Hadley home. He traveled another thousand miles running our 4 other sweet children around. He finished another year of graduate school, changed jobs, ran a cub scout den, volunteered his time to charity, and managed to still love and put up with me........

Sad to say he had to work on his birthday this year, but we did have cake and gifts waiting for him.
Thank you Brian for all you do, life just wouldn't be worth having without you! I love you!!!

Baseball season 2014

It came and went in a flash, and I am so proud of both these boys for finishing a great season. Harrison played on the Dodgers, Hagan on the Nationals, and here's a Big Thank You to Brian for getting them to most of their games unassisted by me (thanks to my crazy work schedule).

These photos make me laugh out loud (look at Hagan's tongue)!

and a big Kudos to both my little boys for playing first baseman. One proud Momma!!!