"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Monday, August 30, 2010

Birthday presents

Harrison got a new bike for his birthday this year along with several other small gifts. Brian got me a new Vera Bradley purse (exactly the one I wanted), and Mom got me a new rooster to go along with my other collection. My sister Alison got me a willow tree figure which is of two sisters(how perfect). Thanks everyone for my gifts.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August Birthday Dinner

Well another month for birthday parties has come and gone. August is full of celebration; 8/3 my grandparents wedding anniversary, birthday's include 8/6 Dalton, 8/7 Aunt Sue, 8/9 Greg, 8/24 nephew Keaton, 8/29 Harrison, 8/30 Mine. Plus I must not forget to mention school starts back not just for the little kids but for the big kids too. Eric, Greg, Angelica, Mom, and Myself. I'm not so sure we are ready to go back, but we my as well get this party started!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Words may never hurt me"

All this talk about people being so offended by words that others use is starting to get on my nerves. Come on, are we all really stuck back in the first grade?? Last time I checked I was 31 years old, an ADULT..... I'm sure that there are words that people don't like. But there are things that people have a right to and that's freedom of speech!!!! In my opinion I don't like the look of tattoos, I don't like drug dealers, and alcoholics, I don't like dead beat parents, child abusers, people that are LAZY and won't work..... I could make this list go on and on but all of theses things are my opinions. I have a right to to feel the way I do about them, but that is all. If people are so sensitive about what others are saying then they need some professional help to learn new coping mechanisms. So what if Jennifer Aniston said the word "retard" was she speaking about mentally handicapped people?? No, I don't think so. She was saying she was being silly. I am so sick and tired of people that have nothing better to do then sit and wait to hear someone say a word they don't like, and then talk about how much they are offended. Maybe if those people are that offended they should stop watching TV and listening to the radio. I don't like drinking, so I don't go to bars. I don't like drugs, so I don't go buy any, I don't like getting "inked" so I don't hang out at LA ink. Some things in life you are just going to not like, and most of them you won't get to change. You just have to put on your big girl panties and go on.

Monday, August 9, 2010

School time is almost here

This week is what I have been waiting all summer for. The kids go back to school this Wednesday, and we even get to send one more to school this time, Hagan. Now for all of you who think I'm a bad Mom for being so totally happy my kids are going back to school, just think I am simply verbalizing what most of you are feeling down deep in side, but don't want people to know. How can Mom's and Dad's not celebrate? Come on we get so much when they go back. More peace and quiet, smaller grocery bill, we can take naps, we have a great reason to put them in bed at 8, they get to be entertained (and not by you), I can actually mop the floor and they will stay clean for more than 10 minutes. Oh just typing these words makes me smile from ear to ear. I can even go to the store while they're gone and get through the line without hearing them crying and screaming for candy. This week is GREAT!!!!!!!! I can't wait til that school bus driver pulls up, I am going to run out there ( in my PJs) and tell her how much I LOVE HER! I may even get to watch something other than spongebob square pants, and icarly. Not to mention my scrapbook room can stop calling my name, and I can actually get caught up on my albums. Have I mentioned how much I love when my kids go back to school?????

Four little kittens to a good home

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I'm Back!!!!!

Well you may have wondered when I was planning on posting again, sorry I have been so busy these last 2 weeks. We are home from our family vacation, although it is called a vacation it is so busy around here when we leave and after we get back. We stayed at a lakeside cabin last week and when I say we I mean the following 20 people in the group picture. Time went by way to fast and it seemed like we had to come home as soon as we got there. I am so thankful for the memories we make on vacation, and I plan on posting a few short stories later on this week. Stay tuned.......