"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cumberland Falls and a Wagon Ride

This summer has been so busy! Brian had two classes this summer and we haven't had much time off together to take the kids any where. So when his classes were done we took the kids down to Cumberland Falls and to Shelotwee Outfitters to go on a wagon ride in the woods. The kids were so excited, and I have to admit so was I. When we got there we loaded up on the wagon and off to the woods we went. The wagon went way down in the woods and it was a rough ride. But at the bottom we got the chance to get off the wagon and hike down this little path and see the Triple waterfall. When we got down there we notice that there was no water in the Creek bed so there wasn't a waterfall to see. We hiked back up and got back on the wagon and headed back to the cabins. Halfway back the sky opened up and it started to flood. The driver let us off near a little path that was a short cut to the cabin. We were wet but it was worth it to see the kids having fun. We waited inside for the rain to stop and while we were standing there Harrison and Hagan both looked at me and said " I think there is water in the waterfall now Mommy, can we go back and look?" I said "No" and they replied " Man! We never get to go and do anything." See you can't win for losing. Lesson to readers, even when you try to please your kids you just can't make them happy.

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