"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Sunday, January 12, 2014


I have been asking my husband for two washers and two dryers for about a year now.... However, he wasn't so sure we needed another set. We already have one of the largest and fastest sets out there currently.... However, I think otherwise......

Laundry at our house is a constant..... Not a every other day, or a once a week, of hey I think I may need to wash a few towels. It's a do it every day, or it will never get caught up and you will be buried alive and die.... About four years ago, Brian installed great floor to ceiling pull out selves in our laundry room to help organize the clothes. It works out great really, I can fold and put the clothes away all in one room. Every piece of clothing the kids need, minus the linen and towels can all be accessed in the laundry room. But, I have recently had to start folding clothes in my bedroom and then transport back into the laundry room because there is simply just not enough room. It takes me one entire day, to get the majority of it done. Last Monday I spent 8 hours, I finished 9 loads of clothes, used 42 hangers, matched 60 pairs of socks, and still didn't get all the towels washed. I wonder if I have enough evidence to conveince my Husband that we really need another washer/dryer set??????
Does anyone see where I'm coming from????? Not to mention I do a load every day in between, even on the days I work....

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