"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hunter's 13th

Happy Birthday to my handsome, talented, funny,and intelligent son Hunter. He is so many other things, things I can't even begin to describe. I am so blessed to have him for my son, and he brings so much joy and happiness into my life each and everyday. I can remember holding him in my arms for the first time just like it was yesterday. He was such a big boy weighing in at 9 lbs 1 oz, and he was 22in long. His hair was jet black and it stood up in the back just like it does now when it gets to long. He was the only baby in the nursery that didn't loose any weight, he slept all night when I brought him home and he was a very happy baby. I missed out on lots of things when he was little, while I was finishing nursing school, but it was only to make things better for us. I am so glad that he has become such a wonderful young man, and it has been an honor to witness his life journey thus far.

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